Blog entries, online media, news websites
‘Macron in Africa: a cynical twist to repair the colonial past while keeping a tight grip’, The Conversation, 25 August 2022 (
Republished as ‘Macron en Afrique : un revirement cynique pour réparer les préjudices liés au passé colonial tout en gardant une mainmise sur le continent’, The Conversation, 26 August 2022 (Macron en Afrique : un revirement cynique pour réparer les préjudices liés au passé colonial tout en gardant une mainmise sur le continent (
‘France wants to fix its relations with Africa. But it’s going about it the wrong way’, The Conversation, 17 November 2021 (
Republished in The Africa Report, ‘Africa – France: Macron’s approach to the continent is not new’, 25 November 2021 (
Republished as ‘La France souhaite améliorer ses relations avec l’Afrique, mais elle s’y prend mal,’ 6 December 2021 (
‘De spijt van koning Filip negeert dat geweld in Congo ingebakken was’, vrtnws, 30 June 2020, (
‘Het einde van Leopold II is niet het einde van de geschiedenis’, vrtnws, 16 June 2020, (
‘De hele Belgische samenleving moet excuses aanbieden voor het koloniale verleden in Congo’, vrtnws, 18 February 2019, (
‘Panafricanism’, Knowledge clip, UU History Youtube channel, 18 May 2018 (
‘Why Trump’s immigration comments caused such an uproar in Africa’, The Washington Post: Made by History, 26 January 2018, (
‘Heeft de diplomaat een fout gemaakt?’,, 27 April 2017, (
‘Donald Trump: Piraat of Diplomaat?’,, 7 December 2016, (
‘The Spectre of South-South Diplomacy’, Afro-Asian Solidarity or Afro-Asian Competition?’, Afro-Asian Visions, 23 August 2016, (
‘Onze waarden verdedigen, hoe kan dat?’,, 6 April 2016, (
‘The #ParisAttacks and France’s Long History of Colonialism’, Africa is a Country, 30 November 2015, (
‘Kissinger 2.0: Why Washington should seek closer cooperation with Teheran in the fight against Boko Haram’, Africa is a Country, 13 March 2015, (
‘‘Congo on My Mind’: The Belgian Response to Mali’, The Holland Bureau, 19 January 2013, (
‘Belgian Surrealism and Flemish Nationalism’, The Holland Bureau, 6 November 2012, (
‘Understanding Belgium’s engagement in Libya’, The Holland Bureau, 28 March 2011, (
‘Wikileaks: The View From Belgium’, The Holland Bureau, 4 January 2011, ( 2011/01/04/wikileaks-the-view-from-belgium/).
‘Wilders: The view from Belgium I & II’, The Holland Bureau, 11-12 March 2010, ( the view from Belgium).
‘The Belgian View of the Atlantic Reflex I & II’, The Holland Bureau, 8-9 February 2010, ( the view from Belgium).