Blog entries, online media, news websites
‘Macron in Africa: a cynical twist to repair the colonial past while keeping a tight grip’, The Conversation, 25 August 2022 (https://theconversation.com/macron-in-africa-a-cynical-twist-to-repair-the-colonial-past-while-keeping-a-tight-grip-189175?utm_medium=Social&utm_
Republished as ‘Macron en Afrique : un revirement cynique pour réparer les préjudices liés au passé colonial tout en gardant une mainmise sur le continent’, The Conversation, 26 August 2022 (Macron en Afrique : un revirement cynique pour réparer les préjudices liés au passé colonial tout en gardant une mainmise sur le continent (theconversation.com).
‘France wants to fix its relations with Africa. But it’s going about it the wrong way’, The Conversation, 17 November 2021 (https://theconversation.com/france-wants-to-fix-its-relations-with-africa-but-its-going-about-it-the-wrong-way-171234).
Republished in The Africa Report, ‘Africa – France: Macron’s approach to the continent is not new’, 25 November 2021 (https://www.theafricareport.com/149856/africa-france-macrons-approach-to-the-continent-is-not-new/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=post_articles_twitter_25_11_2021&utm_medium=social).
Republished as ‘La France souhaite améliorer ses relations avec l’Afrique, mais elle s’y prend mal,’ 6 December 2021 (https://theconversation.com/la-france-souhaite-ameliorer-ses-relations-avec-lafrique-mais-elle-sy-prend-mal-173028).
‘De spijt van koning Filip negeert dat geweld in Congo ingebakken was’, vrtnws, 30 June 2020, (https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2020/06/30/spijtbetuiging-koning-filip/).
‘Het einde van Leopold II is niet het einde van de geschiedenis’, vrtnws, 16 June 2020, (https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2020/06/16/het-einde-van-leopold-ii-is-niet-het-einde-van-de-geschiedenis/).
‘De hele Belgische samenleving moet excuses aanbieden voor het koloniale verleden in Congo’, vrtnws, 18 February 2019, (https://vrtnws.be/p.oEAm6N7Wa).
‘Panafricanism’, Knowledge clip, UU History Youtube channel, 18 May 2018 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SJbtoLDE0w&t=43s).
‘Why Trump’s immigration comments caused such an uproar in Africa’, The Washington Post: Made by History, 26 January 2018, (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/01/26/why-donald-trumps-immigration-comments-caused-such-an-uproar-in-africa/?utm_term=.516b30c3a0b0).
‘Heeft de diplomaat een fout gemaakt?’, Deredactie.be, 27 April 2017, (http://deredactie.be/permalink/1.2963872).
‘Donald Trump: Piraat of Diplomaat?’, Deredactie.be, 7 December 2016, (http://deredactie.be/permalink/1.2837859).
‘The Spectre of South-South Diplomacy’, Afro-Asian Solidarity or Afro-Asian Competition?’, Afro-Asian Visions, 23 August 2016, (https://medium.com/afro-asian-visions/spectres-of-south-south-diplomacy-afro-asian-solidarity-or-afro-asian-competition-671c152a2224#.za1fc9wiv).
‘Onze waarden verdedigen, hoe kan dat?’, Deredactie.be, 6 April 2016, (http://deredactie.be/permalink/1.2621498).
‘The #ParisAttacks and France’s Long History of Colonialism’, Africa is a Country, 30 November 2015, (http://africasacountry.com/2015/11/the-parisattacks-and-frances-long-history-of-colonialism/).
‘Kissinger 2.0: Why Washington should seek closer cooperation with Teheran in the fight against Boko Haram’, Africa is a Country, 13 March 2015, (http://africasacountry.com/kissinger-2-0/).
‘‘Congo on My Mind’: The Belgian Response to Mali’, The Holland Bureau, 19 January 2013, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/2013/01/19/congo-on-my-mind-the-belgian-response-to-mali/).
‘Belgian Surrealism and Flemish Nationalism’, The Holland Bureau, 6 November 2012, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/2012/11/06/belgian-surrealism-and-flemish-nationalism/).
‘Understanding Belgium’s engagement in Libya’, The Holland Bureau, 28 March 2011, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/2011/03/28/understanding-belgium%E2%80%99s-engagement-in-libya/).
‘Wikileaks: The View From Belgium’, The Holland Bureau, 4 January 2011, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/ 2011/01/04/wikileaks-the-view-from-belgium/).
‘Wilders: The view from Belgium I & II’, The Holland Bureau, 11-12 March 2010, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/Wilders the view from Belgium).
‘The Belgian View of the Atlantic Reflex I & II’, The Holland Bureau, 8-9 February 2010, (http://www.thehollandbureau.com/Wilders the view from Belgium).